First was in August where we had to leave to go to our friend and guide Naoto's wedding. It took place on Pigeon Lake, Ontario. Elissa and I left the lodge with my parents, the kids with her parents, and retreated to some relaxation. The bachelor party was as follows- a bunch of us guys fish Pigeon Lake hard, and I mean die hard. It was alot of fun...and I caught my first Largemouth Bass.....and apparently it was pretty big!
The next "get away" was in September, where I got away to moose hunt. I hiked in 2 miles to my new secret spot and set up some scent and did some calling. The next morning I slipped back in there and the bull moose had received the script. The 300 win mag did it's job, and I anchored my first Manitoba Moose...a 44" bull! And what a work out and story of getting the darn thing out!
I also got away in October to head to my family farm and do some bird hunting with Maggie, my dad Allan, Elissa, and some of my clients and friends from Wisconsin. We had great duck hunting- killing our 40 birds a day without much effort...but the geese had our number- a first for me ever down there. They were so inconsistent on the fields, but one morning we managed to pull a few down to the decoys and let them have it. Maggie did amazing and you could tell she was in her glory. I still say that blasting alot of shells is the best stress reliever there is!
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