Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Jack with #100

If you have ever spent time at Wekusko Falls Lodge in the past- say- 25 years, you have probably heard of the Legendary Tramping Lake walleye fisherman "Jack".   As on older friendly man, I got the chance to meet Jack a few times before we bought the lodge.  And our friendship grew fast once we were permanently here.

  We always try to get out together for a few days throughout the spring and summer, thus we've had many adventures in the last 3 years - Jack and I.  And we have seen some huge fish.  Jack was with me  when I lost a 36"+ walleye right at the boat, and also encountered my enormous sulking during the aftermath.    Needless to say, we have had some highs and lows in the boat.

  As the water was so high this year- I asked Jack when the last time he fished up the river at Tramping.  He figured it had been more than a few years, and relived some glory days.  I asked Jack if he'd like to come with me and run the river- just to see what's happening up there.  We were in a bit of a slump with big fish- so maybe they were up there?  It has happened that way in the past- and just maybe....

  So the date was August 3rd- and Jack drove my big boat, and I took a rental.  Why 2 boats- I had never run the rapids, and wasn't sure just exactly how this was going to go.  After roping my big boat down to shore, it was time to drive full speed into the rapid in order to make the shoot.  After a quick survey of the rocks and pillows, it was time.  I asked Jack- ready?... cause I wasn't.  Full speed ahead- and I probably pee'd a little.  And wham!  Just kidding- we actually ran right through it perfectly without any tickle, as if I was a seasoned pro.  

  We were running blades and crawlers, and we started picking up fish in the first spot.  And the second, third, forth, fifth, sixth- well basically every hole had fish.  Almost every fish was between 18 and 22", few smaller and a few bigger.  We continued on up the river, and the fishing continued strong.  With the water so high, we got above another rapids, and then another.  We were up into no mans land, and I asked Jack how many walleye we were at.  Now, those who know Jack, know his clicker and book.  You see, he counts every fish caught, and writes in his book every walleye over 22" each day.  

  Jack replied- 73.  It had been about 2 1/2 hours since we started up the river, and the big fish just didn't seem to be there.  But we decided- lets try to hit 100 walleye.  We turned back instead of running yet another rapid, and continued catching walleye in the holes we briefly fished on the way up.  The clicker continued clicking and we were at our second last hole.  94-95-96-97-98-99. And I put my rod down- let's put the pressure on Jack.  Well, one pass, and another- "come on Jack I'm waiting"..... and 100!  That fish was just as special as another 30", to the both of us I'm sure.  What a day, but still having to run the last rapid to the lake, and wind blowing stronger from the east causing concern about the tied boat, we weren't out of the woodwork yet.  
So I idled to the rapids and centered the boat to the shoot.  Wham!!  Not kidding- tickled that one pretty good- and Jack was just smiling-knowing that our adventures just keep on finding us.  But at least the big boat was okay.

 Thanks Jack for the memory- looking forward to the next one!


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