Wednesday, December 5, 2012


It didn't seem to take long for fall to come, and fast wing beats filled the air.  This year I planned to try a few new places to hunt, and see where things go from there.  The first place we hunted was a little wild rice lake.  I scouted out a few places, and this was thee place.  Since our water was high, a few of my old spots had drowned rice, and only a few ducks.  But this lake was chuck full of Mallards and Canada's.  We got in there early, and had one heck of a canoe ride to get a across the lake, to where I thought would be the best spot to set up.  I wish I had a picture of 3 grown men, my lab Maggie, and all our gear in one canoe.  We made it and set up.  It didn't take long, and there was steel flying everywhere.   It also didn't take long to see where we should have been set up, but that all comes with learning the spots.   The day was a success, and Maggie again did awesome.  

 I continued trying a few new spots, and on one hunt I took out a first time hunter.  He works for me, and a hunt for him was part of our season wind up.  Well the area was perfect, but when I went to throw in the decoys- the bottom was way to soft.  I ended up having to throw only 5 decoys out, and a couple of Mojos.  We were set up on a beaver lodge, and I was hoping that we would at least get a few mallards to give a fly by with the least than ideal set up. 

  Well the mojos worked a bit too good- because Ben was throwing steel out furiously, but with only 8 yard shots things were tight!  Eventually Ben finally connected, and the mallard crumpled.  Maggie retrieved and victory was ours.  
                                               Ben with his First Duck

  So with a few more spots under the belt, I am super excited for next year.  There are still a few more placed to try, but I am excited to give it a go!  2013 ducks and geese better watch out!

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